To prolong the countdown, we now have 6 days until Ireland. Pretty exciting, the government let me know that my passport is on its way so the days of worry and pant-wetting are finally over. We still have to deal with airport film hand-checking though, we're keeping our fingers crossed.
In light of our close departure, it was obviously time for Irelan-ventory.

Trev: 107 rolls of 120 film, 38 rolls of 35mm film, 16 gigs of cf cards.
Matt: 90 rolls of 120, 45 rolls of 35mm film, 40 sheets of pack polaroid.

Central Camera made some extra bucks off of us this month.

I processed two rolls of slides from the Bessa, they look beautiful.

That lens is so sharp.
The crazy thing about having a rangefinder is I guess I shoot a lot more, I've had the camera for a week and I've put 19 rolls through so far.

While I was waiting for the Bessa to get here, and my other camera had broken, I went out to the suburbs to visit some friends and only had the digital. So here's what came from that fun night:

Aside from that, I decided it would probably be a good idea to show some images from a place I've spent some time at over this summer, behold...

At the beginning, I thought this was a project idea waiting to happen. However, I think this might just be a fun and enjoyable experience every now and then.

I simply enjoy watching the interaction with this piece of art and how the normal self-conscious hesitations we have as people seem to disappear around this object. I'm fully aware the images easily appear condescending, however I'm looking at the situation with a plain curiosity: what makes this massive difference between the apprehension of the way people act under and around this artwork and the apprehension of the way people act when they are far away from it? I'm impressed by the artist, Anish Kapoor, and his achievement of creating a piece of work that changes the way people act. I don't think I could imagine accomplishing that with a photograph, let alone any other type of art.

I've noticed a strange amount of lone babies...

I tried uploading another abandoned baby, but there was some error...
Oh well.

That's pretty much it I guess,

See you when we get back!
Wow, man... that table is filled like crazy! Geez. I guess you're very well prepared filmwise! Enjoy your trip! :)
I like the series with that artwork. It's fascinating to see how people leave their "normal" regular pose and attitude behind there and start acting a bit goofy. It's indeed quite amazing art can direct people like that. Some interesting and funny shots you took there!
Man that is so much film, I couldn't even imagine carrying that much around! Good luck!!!
those bean (or should I say "cloud gate") photos are amazing, I think you could do a sweet project.
Cant wait to see what you capture while your there!
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