Hey again everyone, it's been awhile since I've posted anything at all. The Ireland trip was great, and now that I'm back into the full speed of school, it's very difficult to find time to work on the photographs I made in Ireland. I'm going to try and make this post mostly just images, since I don't have a lot of time to work on it.

The Ireland trip was a photography workshop led by these two guys,

Brad Temkin and Peter Zoeller.
And the trip mates consisted of Trev and I, Mike Meyer, Aidan Fitzpatrick, Katrina Flores, and Taylor McNeely. It was awesome.
Mike was my roommate when we stayed in Glengarriff.

The days would consist of us getting up and going to photograph just after the sun came up, or in some cases, when it was on its way up.

We'd photograph a location that Brad and Peter had planned out or would base us going on the weather at the time. Then we'd make it back before 10 for breakfast with everyone.

After, we'd either get our equipment, regroup, and head out

or it would be naptime, then head out.
Then we photographed, stayed the first 2 days in Glengarriff, then stayed in Dingle, and then in Clare. Here's some pictures...

There's many more pictures from Ireland, however I don't have time to work on them or upload them now. I hope you enjoyed these.

Thanks to Brad and Peter, and the 5 photographers that joined me to make this trip amazing.
I apologize for the brevity of the post, but I've moved on to newer work that I'm focussing on now, I'll be posting some of that and other photos and thoughts at a new blog: http://mattaustin.wordpress.com/
Take care guys,

Lots of nice frames here, especially the MF photos, colors + sharpness are <3
http://bp1.blogger.com/_NL4TUcWGlmU/Rww_p5islGI/AAAAAAAAAxk/Q0-pqHJ2Z5A/s1600-h/aidan+good+portrait.jpg is a good portrait as the file name says, think the van in http://bp1.blogger.com/_NL4TUcWGlmU/RwxDh5islWI/AAAAAAAAAzk/MpZRRw8ZQZc/s1600-h/van+at+burrenjpeg.jpg is my fav
hard to pick the best ones, i think i like pretty much all of them.
don't get why you created a 2nd blog. does that mean you'll stop posting here or will you be posting in two places now?
Awesome man, some great stuff there, cant wait to see more!
Dude, Brad Temkin used to teach one film class at Columbia called Photo Theory and Lab Practice. It was basically learning about the way film works in production and in the lab, but he doesnt get to do it anymore. He was actually a really good teacher I enjoyed him. I guess the reason I am typing all this is because everyone used to call him Schmee, like Schmee from the movie Hook. Cause he used to wear a horizontal striped shirt that looked like a pirate shirt and little round glasses. I dont know...
just brought back a memory.
have fun in school!
I liek this shot a lot!!!
these are beautiful
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