It's been a pretty wild couple weeks with the addition of this project to our lives, let alone it being probably the biggest focus in our photographic lives as of now. It's been real tough balancing all the class assignments and keep this going on the side too but it is saving our mental health completely. The trips have become a mental escape from the normality of our daily lives. It's rewarding seeing an honest result of our artistic eyes based on what comes from places we haven't seen before. Normally it's a challenge in creating something interesting out of things we see daily over and over again. With the new unphotographed ground, it becomes a direct expression of how we look at life, without hesitating your picture to avoid familiarity. Not to mention the people we meet on these new locations with open minds to allowing us to photograph them and place them in our artistic outlet. It's inspiring to experience these invitations into these people's lives and take what we see in it and put it on silver. A new optimism to life has just been building because of the things we wouldn't normally see and the people we wouldn't normally meet. All of this adds chaos and outraegeously busy schedules but at the end of the day it is more than worth it. This weekend we're going to the northwest suburbs and shooting the area as a whole and also the local colleges in it (hopefully north central college, benedictine university, college of dupage, and elgin community college). Take care of yourselves. Here's a few more.

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