So basically we woke up on Saturday morning and left Chicago with st. Louis as our destination in mind. it took roughly four hours to get there but we were greeted by thousands of people watching and participating in their st. patties day parade. So we shot there for a while then booked it towards Nashville, which was probably an 8ish hour drive. when we got there we were amazed because it was a beautiful city and everyone was wasted. later that night we found a hotel outside of Nashville, slept, ate, and then continued onwards toward Florida. blah blah blah we get to Daytona Beach and it is completely dead. like i was suprised to NOT see tumbleweeds rolling across the street. we were very confused because its fucking SB2K7 (spring break 2007) and there were signs all over the place that basically said, 'welcome to daytona beach spring breakers come get wasted and fuck this town up!' but no one was there... so here are some images from D. Beach.

After the disappointment's of Daytona Beach we headed south to our actual destination and home for the week ahead Hobe Sound, Average age 97. But don't get me wrong it was a beautiful town with a really nice beach. there was just no one within our age group and we DESPERATELY searched.

the next day we decided to trek down to Miami. and man was it a great idea. probably one of my favorite cities everrrrrrrrrrrrrr. the colors and architecture and people and stores are awesome. and the beach is beautiful tooooo white sand and really nice green blue water. Most of what i shot in miami was film so ill update this in a few days, but i did get a shot of some drunkass trying to catch a seagull. i was amused. so was he.

dang that's a big gator.
you guys are cutiecools
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